How an online ordering system made it easier to run my restaurant

How an online ordering system made it easier to run my restaurant

I introduced online ordering at my restaurant and it's been a hit! Less errors, happier customers, and unexpected savings. Best decision I made.

Table of Contents

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My Experience Simplifying Restaurant Operations with Online Ordering.

I want to share with you some ways that online ordering made it easier to run my cafe.

The Before Times

Back in the day, my staff and I were juggling phone calls during the lunch rush, scribbling down orders on paper, and hollering across the kitchen. I bet you’ve experienced something similar.  

It was chaotic. Mistakes happened more often than I’d like to admit; wrong orders, misheard sides, you name it. The online ordering system helped us deliver a better customer experience , so much so that our orders began to grow. 

🤣 “Imagine discovering a hidden passageway in an old, intricate castle— that's what integrating an online ordering system felt like for us. Suddenly, the once convoluted process of taking orders became as smooth as silk. Gone were the days of playing telephone tag with customers, replaced by a streamlined digital process that lets us pour our energy into crafting the perfect dish, every time.” Quote of the day

A Digital Makeover

At first, I was skeptical—would my regulars use it? Would my staff adapt? I’m happy to tell you that it was a success. Customers started ordering online, and my staff could see these orders appear on a screen in the kitchen for them to prepare. There was less shouting, the kitchen was quieter and my staff liked the new system.

Saying Goodbye to Goofs

Right away we made fewer mistakes. Telephone orders dropped as online orders grew, so we got more right the first time. And that meant fewer red-faced apologies and complimentary meals.

Data, Who Knew?

I’m not a tech nerd, but the data I started getting from the online orders was eye-opening. I could see the volume of dishes being ordered so I was able to anticipate when we needed to prepare extra ingredients. It helped me plan better and cut down on waste which was better for my pocket and the planet.

The Bottom Line

Speaking of money, I was worried about costs at first. But as it turned out the  online system saved me money. Fewer order mix-ups meant less wasted food, and I didn’t need as many hands on deck just to answer phones during our busy times which helped to Reduce Labor Costs. 

In the end, going digital with online ordering wasn’t just about keeping up with the times. It made my restaurant run smoother and made our customers happier. I can’t imagine ever running a restaurant without it.

Consult our straightforward online ordering system guide for insights into common issues and actionable advice on creating an effective online ordering system that works for you.

Sandra, author and restaurateur at Eatout Ordering

Author Bio

Sandra has over 10 years of experience in the restaurant industry and has successfully implemented online ordering systems in multiple establishments.