How online ordering helped reduce staff costs for my restaurant

How online ordering helped reduce staff costs for my restaurant

Table of Contents

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How I Cut Costs and Kept My Sanity with Online Ordering

I remember being at my wit’s end with the chaos of taking orders in my restaurant. The phone was ringing, customers were queuing, and my staff were trying to keep up. Then I decided to offer online ordering, and it made a big difference for us and our customers.

Goodbye, Phone Mayhem

I used to spend my days with a phone glued to my ear, taking orders and often getting them wrong because I couldn’t hear over the din of the kitchen. It was a mess. But when we switched to online ordering, suddenly, there was peace. Customers did all the work for us – a few clicks and their order was in our system, clear as day. No more misheard orders or wrong deliveries.

Saving Dough on Labor

I’m no Scrooge, but I like to keep a tight rein on costs. With online ordering, I didn’t need as many hands on deck just to answer phones. It meant I could have my staff doing more useful things, like making sure our dining area was spotless or helping with cooking when things got busy.

🤣 “There's an odd beauty in replacing the human error and variability of order-taking with the flawless, uncomplaining efficiency of an online system. It never tires, never errs, and requires no benefits. Amazingly, a piece of software can manage orders, save time, reduce errors, and doesn’t need supervising.” Quote of the day

Fewer Mix-Ups, More Happy Faces

I used to cringe every time a wrong order went out. It meant wasted food, wasted money, and a customer who might never return. With our online system, customers could see exactly what they were ordering, which meant they got what they wanted, and I wasn’t throwing money away on mistakes. 

Smart Scheduling Saves the Day

The data from our online orders was a goldmine. It showed me when we’d be swamped with orders so I used it to Streamline our Operations by bringing in extra help just when we needed it. And during those quiet times? I didn’t have to have my team standing around – they could be home with their feet up or studying for class.

My Team's Shining Now

Instead of cutting my team down, I found better ways for them to shine. They interacted more with customers, making sure everyone left with a smile.  Additionally, the online reports told us what customers preferred which allowed us to provide a better service. Happier more informed staff made for happy customers.

The Takeaway

Switching to online ordering didn’t just save me money; it saved my sanity. It changed how we run things around here, and honestly, I wouldn’t go back to the old ways now. 

Our guide offers comprehensive online ordering system selection tips, providing you with all the necessary information to tackle potential issues and effectively set up your restaurant’s online ordering platform.

Sandra, author and restaurateur at Eatout Ordering

Author Bio

Sandra has over 10 years of experience in the restaurant industry and has successfully implemented online ordering systems in multiple establishments.