How online ordering opened up new marketing opportunities

How online ordering opened up new marketing opportunities

Learn easy marketing tips to attract more customers and boost sales with an online ordering system for your restaurant.

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My Journey with Online Ordering as a Restaurant Owner

I’ve been running my own restaurant for a while now, and I’ve got to tell you, diving into the online ordering world has been an eye-opener. It wasn’t just about making it easier for folks to get their food; it turned into a whole new way to connect with my customers and spread the word about what we’re cooking up. Here’s how I made it work for my place.

🤣 “Remember when the aroma wafting from a restaurant was its best advertisement? Now, a perfectly timed push notification can trigger hunger pangs more effectively than any whiff of garlic bread ever could. The game has changed, my friends.” Quote of the day

Chatting Directly with My Customers

Once I got my online ordering system up and running, it was like I had a direct line to my customers. No middleman, no misunderstandings. I started to learn what my regulars liked, what dishes were slow movers, and how to send friendly communications to customers.

Slashing Prices for Online Eyes

I loved throwing out special deals on my online menu. It was my way of giving a virtual high-five to customers who ordered through our website. Whether it was a discount on their favorite pasta or a free appetizer to tempt them to try something new, these little perks made a big difference in keeping our kitchen busy.

Showing Off New Dishes

Every time I cooked up a new dish, I’d put it front and center on our online menu. Good pictures, and mouth-watering descriptions – I wanted my customers to salivate about the new dish, making it irresistible to order. 

And guess what? It worked. People got curious, they tried new things, and our menu stayed fresh and exciting. Displaying and promoting our food online is easy and gives us a competitive edge for restaurants over nearby takeaways and restaurants that don’t offer online ordering.  

Smart Use of Order Data

All the info I got from online orders was like gold. It wasn’t just about what sold well; it was about getting to know my customers without having to ask. I could see if someone had a standing order every Friday or if they always customized their order. By using valuable data insights I was able to provide a better experience each time they visited us online.

Mixing in Social Media and Emails

I didn’t just stick to one lane. I made sure our online ordering link was everywhere – Facebook, Instagram, you name it. Every email blast had a little nudge to check out our menu online. And when someone left a kind word about us on social media or a review site, you bet I shared that with the world.

Here’s a quick guide to some of the marketing strategies I used after I got an online ordering system:


  • Email Marketing: I whipped up personalized offers, updates, and promotions and sent them straight to my customers’ inboxes. Their email addresses were automatically stored in the online ordering system.
  • Feedback Loops: I asked my customers for feedback through surveys and reviews, which helped me to improve my food and service.
  • Website Integration: I made sure my “Order Online” button was easy to find on my website. My customers much prefer to use this than phone us.
  • Social Media Marketing: I used social media to promote my online ordering system with posts which included links to my online menu.
  • Combo Deals: I offered combo deals and meal bundles that were convenient and great value for money.
  • Special Offers: I highlighted limited-time offers and seasonal specials during the checkout process.
  • Add-On Suggestions: The system automatically suggested complementary items, like drinks or desserts, based on what customers were ordering.
  • Push Notifications: I sent notifications to mobile app users about special promotions, discounts, and new menu items.
  • Social Media Integration: I encouraged customers to share their dining experiences on social media by integrating sharing buttons. I also had an “Order Now” button on my Facebook page.
  • Interactive Menus: I used mouth-watering photos and descriptions in the online menu so customers just couldn’t resist dishes.
  • Performance Tracking: I kept an eye on how different marketing campaigns were performing and adjusted my strategies based on what worked best.
  • Customer Insights: I analyzed customer data to spot trends and preferences, which helped with menu planning and marketing.
  • Inventory Management: I used sales data to manage inventory more efficiently and reduce waste.

By using the strategies above, I was able to make the most out of the online ordering system, helping my restaurant thrive in a competitive market and resulting in long-term success for me and my team. I’m sure this will help your restaurant too.

Check out our easy-to-follow guide to avoid costly mistakes in online ordering. Understand the potential challenges and solutions, and learn how to set up your own system for your restaurant.

Sandra, author and restaurateur at Eatout Ordering

Author Bio

Sandra has over 10 years of experience in the restaurant industry and has successfully implemented online ordering systems in multiple establishments.