Using social media to promote restaurant online ordering

Learn how online ordering platforms help restaurants make more money?

I introduced online ordering to my restaurant and it was a game-changer. Sales soared as customers enjoyed the ease of ordering from anywhere, anytime.

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Online Ordering Boosted My Restaurant Revenue

Having owned a restaurant, I understand the work required to make a living and keep my customers happy. A few years back, I took a leap of faith and set up an online ordering system for my place. This was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for my business. It wasn’t just about keeping up with the times; it was about giving my customers what they wanted—simplicity and convenience.

🤣 “Telling chefs from the past that they would need to get good at online marketing would be like asking a fish to climb a tree. But here we are, where being a chef means you've got to be part digital wizard too.” Quote of the day

The Game Changer: Making Life Easier for My Customers

I noticed that people wanted a quick and easy way to get their food without the hassle of calling in or waiting in line. I introduced an online ordering system and it was a hit from the get-go. Folks could now order from their phones or computers, and I started receiving more orders. It was clear that the ease of online ordering encouraged people to order more often.

Reaching Out Far and Wide

Going online did something amazing—it stretched the walls of my restaurant beyond my little spot on the street. I started getting orders from people who were outside my usual delivery radius. They found us online, liked what they saw, and decided to give us a try. It was like casting a bigger net and catching more fish.

The Unexpected Upsell

I never realized that a digital menu could consistently sell more than a human who took orders. But with pictures of our food and prompts suggesting extras, customers added more to their orders. It was like the menu spoke to them, suggesting a side here or a dessert there. And more often than not, they listened.

Getting Smart with Data

Beforehand, I didn’t appreciate how much I would learn from the orders coming in. I started seeing patterns—what dishes were hot sellers and what times people liked to order. Using this info, I got smarter about my promos and started targeting them to match my customers’ habits. This personal touch brought them back even more.

Before deciding on an online ordering system for your restaurant, consult our straightforward guide. It’s designed to help you understand the potential challenges and solutions and show you what mistakes to avoid with your online ordering system.

Sandra, author and restaurateur at Eatout Ordering

Author Bio

Sandra has over 10 years of experience in the restaurant industry and has successfully implemented online ordering systems in multiple establishments.