Valuable data can tell you what’s working and what’s not

Valuable data can tell you what’s working and what’s not

Use customer data from your online ordering system to understand what works and what doesn't before redoing your next menu!

Table of Contents

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How I Got to Know My Customers Better Than Ever

When I first decided to add online ordering to my restaurant’s website, I didn’t realize I was signing up for a crash course in my customers’ habits. This wasn’t high-tech stuff for the sake of it; it was about getting to know the folks who loved my food well enough to serve them better.

🤣 “In a world where we're constantly drowning in data, the real treasure isn't just finding out what's working and what's not, but understanding the chaotic beauty in between” Quote of the day

Figuring Out the Favorites

Every night, after closing, I’d sit down with my laptop and look through the orders that had come in online. It was like reading a story – which dishes were hits and which ones were misses. 

I started tweaking the menu based on what my customers were actually eating, not just what I thought they’d like.

Timing the Rush

Before we got the online ordering system, I used to guess when we’d get busy, but the online system showed me the exact times orders poured in. It was like having a secret playbook. 

I could now schedule my staff just right, so we were all hands on deck when we needed to be, and no one was twiddling their thumbs during slow times.

Remembering the Regulars

The best part? Seeing names pop up again and again. With every repeat order, I felt like I was getting to know my customers, even if we hadn’t met face-to-face. I started sending out little ‘thank you’ notes with their orders or suggesting dishes I thought they’d like next time based on their past choices. 

Armed with this information, new marketing opportunities through online ordering opened up. I could send promotions and specials to my customers that I know would appeal to them.

Making Smart Moves

With all the data, analytics and reports it gave me the right information to make decisions easier. I knew when to run specials, where to cut back and when to change up the roster, this also helped reduce restaurant staff costs. It wasn’t guesswork anymore; it was about doing what made sense for my customers and my business.

Keeping Up with the Times

I never set out to be some tech whiz restaurant owner, I love the food side much better! But when I got online ordering it helped me keep up with what my customers wanted. It’s been a massive learning curve, but worth all the effort, well it really didn’t take that much effort!

Looking back, adding online ordering transformed more than just how orders came in – it changed everything. Having access to real facts and figures made me rethink my approach to menu creation, staff rosters and appreciating my loyal customers. 

This all new found knowledge had the knock on effect of more sales and happier customers, what more could you ask for, right!

Check out our easy-to-follow guide before choosing the right online ordering system. Understand the potential challenges and solutions, and learn how to set up your own system for your restaurant.

Sandra, author and restaurateur at Eatout Ordering

Author Bio

Sandra has over 10 years of experience in the restaurant industry and has successfully implemented online ordering systems in multiple establishments.