How do online ordering platforms improve customer experience

How do online ordering platforms improve customer experience?

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My customers were delighted when I added online ordering.

As someone who’s poured their heart into a local cafe, I never imagined how much a simple website for online orders would change the game for us. When I ditched the pen and paper and took my little restaurant into the digital age, boy did things change.

Tracking Orders Became a Breeze

Back in the day, the phone was always ringing with customers asking, “Is my food ready yet?” Once we got our online system up and running, they could check the status of their order from their phones or computers. They loved it, and frankly, so did my staff – fewer phone interruptions meant more focus on cooking delicious meals.

Our Menu Got Personal

I’ve always loved chatting with customers, getting to know their likes and dislikes. With our new online ordering, they could tell us exactly how they wanted their meals. Extra cheese, no onions, you name it. This wasn’t just about convenience; it felt like we were inviting them into our kitchen to cook alongside us. That personal touch made all the difference.

Payments Got a Whole Lot Easier

Once we started accepting online payments, everything became a lot easier for our customers, and for us too. Customers no longer had to queue to pay when they came to collect their orders. It also helped streamline our operations, enabling us to take orders more quickly from other walk-in customers. I’m delighted I decided to take online payments, I just wish I had done it sooner.

🤣 “Adopting online ordering opens up a world of convenience for your customers. It's like giving them a VIP pass to your menu, allowing them to explore and order without the constraints of time and place. This easy access can transform a casual customer into a loyal one.” Quote of the day

Customer Service Got a Face Lift

I won’t lie; I was a bit worried about losing that personal touch when we went online. But the online system made everything so convenient, including new ways to connect with our customers. Whether it was a quick chat message or a follow-up email to make sure everything was tasty, we worked hard to keep it personal. It was still us, just with a digital apron on.

Looking Back

Taking the plunge and setting up an online ordering system was a bit scary at first, but it turned out to be one of the best moves I made for my restaurant. It wasn’t just about keeping up with the times; it was about giving our customers what they needed – convenience, personalization, and a bit of that home-cooked care, all at their fingertips.

And you know what? They noticed. They told their friends, left glowing reviews, and kept coming back for more. That’s the real story here – not just a restaurant that went online, but a community that became more aware of our restaurant and supported it.

It’s definitely worth spending time to understand the potential challenges and solutions of an online ordering system. Our step-by-step will help you learn how to pick an online ordering system that works for you.

Sandra, author and restaurateur at Eatout Ordering

Author Bio

Sandra has over 10 years of experience in the restaurant industry and has successfully implemented online ordering systems in multiple establishments.